Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I am alive

I know its been a few day, better than a year though lol.

So quick life update :

London, had a fantastic time with my brother he pushed me all around the back streets of London tryng to find places he loves to go. He too me to a fab rsturant that had the most amazing food, which will now be my birthday place, i will also be marrried there however a man is needed for that lol WE go on great both agreed on plans with in seconds. Ideal home show wasn't that great for what I wanted. My brother now hates curbs and people who get in the way he was tempted to get peoples ankles at times lol i nearly pressed for the automatic door to open once with someone leaning against it but thought i should warn her, my brother say why lol. We even saw the bloke who does channel 4 news in the back of a car reading the paper. On friday we hit westfield and he got a camera i was a good girl i saved my pennies.

So on Saturday erm what did i do erm *clock sound for thinking time*
Oh yeah I was mean to rest but I was awaken at 6 am in pain so I got up, my was mum planning to go to my other brothers for the day, she was worried about having a coughing fit while driving, so I drove he there. I then went with my brother and mum and nephew to the shops I went to B&Q and got some wallpater and things for crafty ideas. Then we went back and the rest of them when to a garden center I stayed and had a nice sleep and break from my annoying borther who does my head in lol

Sunday I can't remeber think i just chilled out. and Yesurday I slept and then took my mum to the Drs and then for an x-ray.

So I am amzaised I can walk as driving normally sets of my knees and hips, so my new car with hand controls is working. I am in pain with my mouth and fibro and sidefects of the pain killers but that will improve.

My plan today is to hoever out the car, stop it smelling from when Megan was car sick yesturday and make a to do list.

Have a good day

p.s where has spring gone ?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The great escape

Here is one of my chickens trying to escape, she thought twice when she saw Megan running towards her !

I'm off to London to the Idea home show today, going with my brother and staying the night, which reminds me of ear plugs !, then on Firday just planning to look aound London for a bit. Yesturday I have to ring the train company to organise ramps to get on the train, another hurdle for the disabled you have to plan it down on the excect min, eventhough I explanined I have no idea what time I would be comming back on the train, so I just said 2pm, I bet I will get a grumpy old man complaining when I arrive ealier or later depending on the day i'm having grrrr. Luckily my brother can just lift the chair if needed and I cn jump out but then you get all the looks of 'oh look she can walk' lol

I've also started to qult the quilt i started months ago, after hand sewing numours hexangans together I am not putting it all together, so far so go just need to work out the edging I am going to do.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

How all mornings should start

Sceens like this really help when you wake up at 7 am with hip pain and neck ache. I am so lucky to live where I do.

I'm off to London tomorrow to the Ideal home show with my brother, I think he will have a shock how life can be with a wheelchair user, i'm lucky enough to only need a wheelchair for long distances and if i'm out all day. So today will be full of sorting out what to take as were staying the night, going to London for day trips is not on the plan for some time I think, also I have to phone the railway to say I need help to get on the train. I think I will try and look at my family tree too as some 3/4th cousin has got back in touch so I need to refresh my brain.

I hope all of you have a good weather and a nice day

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sun is still shinning :D

Well after waking up at 11 am with no help from medication, I have rested most of the morning.
Today is a good day as I have just pre booked a cruise to NY and Canada for Next year, I will find out if I have got a disabled cabin on the 2rd of April, I have been wanting to do this cruise for 10 years now and its the first time I can book it as I know I won't be working, as in past years I was working in school and this cruise is always in Sept, also I will be well enough to actually enjoy it. I can't wait to be zomming around central park in my chair and i might even run over a famous person lol
I have been to NY 3 times before so I have done most of the things I wanted too appart form the Statue of Libery so that will be on the to do list, then I will be a ride around taking in the sights and sounds of NYC

Monday, 21 March 2011

Photos of the day

Say hello to Ben, he is a very friendly boy as you can see.
Then there is Megan who is keeping gard on the hens !

So far so good

Ok so an hour later and I think I'm getting there, still not sure on the background, but I need a rest and a cuppa.

Need to sort out font size too !

ermm opps lol

Wow Nov 2009 time has gone fast i thought it was about 6 months or so i started this thing, ust shows how off track fibro takes you.
Now im nota believer in new years resultions i believer you can start new things chane your life, get mor ogranised etc anytime of the year. But I do believe sometimes you have to ait till things have past to change / star new things.

Anyone with fibro knows your brain fog makes you change subjects mid sentince, pacing can be a nightmere to get used to and in my case start ! So I am going to try and get blogging to see if that helps, however with pacing means not too much time sat at computer lol

For you non fibro peeps who read this i know i am hopping all over the page here its just my mental rablings, i have a very busy mind that never stops working mianily because of fibro i move like a snail and lucky if i can do 2 diffrent things in a day !
Currently whats going on in my mind is this 9this is just a small cros section)
1. i really should go down stairs to take my mes, however i'm doing this at the mo, and if i stop now it be another year till i write again !
2. why can't my blog look cool like other peoples ?
3. I will try and get my craft ideas on here too
4. need to pack for london on thursday
5. oh need to sort out phone call train man so i can get on train in wheelchair !
6. need to get dressed
7. oh i want to carry on sewing my dogys, nephews starts, make a bag for my sis in law
8. family tree needs looking at
9.got sitting her hurts my neck
10. physio really need to get back to swimming
11. pack for londond oh said that !
12. put on blog don't have a go at my spelling grammar etc
13. its my mums b-day today must find card to give to her eventho she gave it to me last night !!!
need to sort out my study..no doing it will cause flare
14. oh make a owl clock

see how my brain just bounses around !

I knw my spelling is rubish in this but 1. i am half a sleep, 2 fibro fog, 3 i am in pain, and 4 i am on some strong drugs after my op !

So my plan for his blog
1. Make it look cool
2. try and add some pics
3. get into a routine with it
4 see if i can get 10 followers !

ok i will shut up now