Wow Nov 2009 time has gone fast i thought it was about 6 months or so i started this thing, ust shows how off track fibro takes you.
Now im nota believer in new years resultions i believer you can start new things chane your life, get mor ogranised etc anytime of the year. But I do believe sometimes you have to ait till things have past to change / star new things.
Anyone with fibro knows your brain fog makes you change subjects mid sentince, pacing can be a nightmere to get used to and in my case start ! So I am going to try and get blogging to see if that helps, however with pacing means not too much time sat at computer lol
For you non fibro peeps who read this i know i am hopping all over the page here its just my mental rablings, i have a very busy mind that never stops working mianily because of fibro i move like a snail and lucky if i can do 2 diffrent things in a day !
Currently whats going on in my mind is this 9this is just a small cros section)
1. i really should go down stairs to take my mes, however i'm doing this at the mo, and if i stop now it be another year till i write again !
2. why can't my blog look cool like other peoples ?
3. I will try and get my craft ideas on here too
4. need to pack for london on thursday
5. oh need to sort out phone call train man so i can get on train in wheelchair !
6. need to get dressed
7. oh i want to carry on sewing my dogys, nephews starts, make a bag for my sis in law
8. family tree needs looking at sitting her hurts my neck
10. physio really need to get back to swimming
11. pack for londond oh said that !
12. put on blog don't have a go at my spelling grammar etc
13. its my mums b-day today must find card to give to her eventho she gave it to me last night !!!
need to sort out my doing it will cause flare
14. oh make a owl clock
see how my brain just bounses around !
I knw my spelling is rubish in this but 1. i am half a sleep, 2 fibro fog, 3 i am in pain, and 4 i am on some strong drugs after my op !
So my plan for his blog
1. Make it look cool
2. try and add some pics
3. get into a routine with it
4 see if i can get 10 followers !
ok i will shut up now
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